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[Scourge Files] Coyote Dragon



Name: Coyote Dragon
A pack-orientated desert predator named for the Earthen canines with which they share a similar lifestyle and coloration.


Coyote Dragons are notably one of very few species of pure dragon who are purely bipedal. They have an almost raptor-like stance, with inwards-facing foreclaws and powerful hind limbs. Their wings are relatively small and used mostly for extended leaps rather than true flight. They have large amounts of exoskeleton, covering their muzzle, fangs, forehead, belly, back, claws and tail. The claws on their arms and wing thumbs are hooked, while the claws on their hind limbs are flat and made for travel; their fingers and toes are partially exoskeletal. Their tail is long and notably spiked with heavy horizontal plates which are used for intimidation, balancing their weight, and marking territory. It is possible they are also used to store nutrients much like a camel just as the Retrodon and Groduf do, though they do not concave even during starvation, implying that their components are unchanging.
      They have a notably wide variation of colors, most likely because the species is social and relies on facial recognition rather than scent. Their main body is a variety of sandy hues mixed with whites, browns, grays and blacks. Their exoskeletal parts except on their belly are typically darker colored. Males have higher contrast in their coloration (from bright whites to rich browns to deep blacks) while females are more dull browns and grays, and this is the only sexual dimorphism visible.

Subspecies: Various populations of Coyote Dragon exist, each with varying appearances, though we suspect these are nothing more than genetically-identical color morphs. Populations in both the Sparse Forest and Desert exist and thrive.

Distribution: Desert and Sparse Forest regions (mostly the desert).
    Minor populations have been observed living in neighboring islands, though these groups are rarely as large or successful as the desert and sparse forest populations. No populations have been observed further than a single day's journey (by their standards) from their primary regions.

Lifestyle & Social Behavior: Coyote Dragons live in distinct social groups, or 'packs', which organize and socialize within themselves. They will establish a territory loosely based around a den site, likely a copse of stones, which is large enough to provide shelter for at least a few individuals and provide sunning areas for others. The actual boundaries of this surrounding territory appears inconsistent, possibly due to the lack of landmarks in the barren desert, and so it is defended rather loosely.
     Coyote dragons will spend much time at this den site socializing. They are rather noisy creatures, and locating their den site from afar is easy. They are, however, aggressive to any who are not a part of their pack, including invaders of other species (such as us humans). They may engage in scuffles and play to enforce dominance or for passtime. While a definite hierarchy exists of those who have access to the best sunning spots and food, they do not seem to care for who in the pack reproduces, and offspring will be raised communally for as long as the pack is thriving. If the pack lacks food they may cannibalize others' young, though the biological parents--mother and father included--will defend their offspring themselves during such a scenario.
      They have shown remarkable intelligence in being able to recognize complex social relationships among their own kind, as well as being able to carry out intelligent hunting strategies. Depending on access to resources, packs can have 2 to 30 individuals (with larger packs usually dwelling in the sparse forests).
      Ill or fatally injured individuals will not necessarily be abandoned but they will be forbidden from coming too close to the den site unless they remarkably heal. Cannibalism seems to be used only as a last resort; rather their dead kin will be abandoned somewhere outside their territorial region.

Communication and Aggression:
 Coyote Dragons will communicate with others of their kind in growls, chortles, hisses, clicks, and screeches, as well as various body languages such as wing flaring and bowing.
      When hunting, they will often use loud and brief clicks to signify their location to unseen packmates. Growls and rapid clicking are used in combination with a tall stance to assert dominance. In return, whines and cries along with a very low head-bowing stance are used to show submission. Individuals in stress, including during submission, will clack their fangs. Hachlings use high-pitched bird-like cries to signal to their parents, and have been witnessed practicing dominance by clicking at insects and objects. When separated, individuals will call to others of their kind using loud shrieks. 
        During territorial displays, individuals will pause to face their opponent and spread their wings, coupled by pacing perpendicular to the opponent while holding their head high with rapid dominant clicks and turning their tail. Individuals with larger tail spikes may be considered healthier and so presenting their spikes is a sign of prowess.
        During socialization they make various sounds though they seem to mostly be lacking meaning, consisting of basic things such as challenges, to get another's attention or mutual, meaningless squabble, much like flocks of birds, which have no purpose but are to assure each other of their presence and peace.

Territorial Behavior: All individuals of a pack will partake in territorial behavior for that pack but the highest-ranking will take control of direct confrontations and occasionally aggress subordinates should they mark the borders incorrectly.
      Territory claiming is done by leaving deep gouges in stones by dragging their tail along the surface. They will continue to carve the same gouge whenever refreshing their territory's marks, and so the depth of the gouges represent the longevity of the pack that owns the territory. They will viciously defend these territories, but smaller groups may welcome in rogues that wish to join them, should they prove themselves both submissive and useful. During direct confrontations, they will use typical dominance displays but from afar, as well as a unique form of wing-flaring only used in these scenarios. 

Hunting and Food Chain:
 Coyote Dragons are the primary predators of Grodufs and Retrodons. To a lesser extent, they will hunt Desert Somphi and are opportunists to any other prey available, including insects.
     Their hunting tactics are intelligently designed depending on the prey and environment. Typically they will attempt to single out a single target from the herd. With Retrodons in particular, they rely on stealth to quickly attack the wings to prevent escape by flight. With Grodufs, they rely mostly on surrounding and confusing the prey with repetitive fake charges. Due to both of these prey having armored backs and bellies, Coyotes rely on attacking from the sides, typically the wings of a Retrodon or the hind thighs of a Groduf (away from their spikes, horns and reduced wings).
     Somphi Hunts usually only come as a last resort and often last days, most being unsuccessful. The pack will tear at the Somphi's incredibly thick hide, often eating off bits alive, and will follow the Somphi for days. They often leave without even killing it; despite their lack of defenses, the Desert Somphi's thick skin and low nutritional value makes them undesirable prey.
     While offspring will accompany hunts as small as 40% their adult size, they will not participate until they are at least 80% their adult size. We have not had enough time to observe when these ages are in their growth.

Family Lifecycle: Though packs have hierarchies, they seem to care not for who reproduces so long as the pack is in good enough health. However, if the pack would likely be unable to sustain offspring, more dominant pairs may attempt to prevent subordinates from reproducing. Packs consist of several monogamous pairs and single outliers. Though reducing the likelihood of a single individual's genes being passed down, total abstinence is not too unusual in the species and many devote their entire lives solely to defending the rest of their species without ever acquiring their own mate.
       Eggs are laid inside the den site and cared for communally, though depending on the state of the pack the parents may be more aggressive to others. 2-5 eggs are laid at once, though usually only 1-3 hatch. Dead eggs are delivered far from the nest site and abandoned, and the evolutionary purpose of this high infant mortality is unknown.
       Children will socialize with anyone in the pack but have the closest bonds with their parents, who are also most likely to defend them. They will remain at the den permanently for around 6 weeks before before being allowed to venture out and even participate in small hunts of their own, chasing insects and small creatures. We suspect they reach their full size and maturation within 2 Scourgian years. Depending on the size of the pack, they may remain after maturation. They continue to have close social bonds with their parents and siblings, though inbreeding seems to be mutually denied without trouble or risk. If there are no available partners, or if there are no resources to sustain them, individuals may leave to seek out different packs. They will usually leave with their siblings rather than split off alone. They will then wander the regions in search of others, often banding together with fellow rogues to establish a new pack or territory, or joining a preexisting pack. When joining preexisting packs the wandering band will often split in which the unaccepted individuals continue the search. After becoming independent from one another, family ties become unimportant. 

In Field Observations:
        We observed many packs, some for days, some being followed for several months.
        Coyote L was the largest observed, consisting of 28 individuals in the Sparse Forest, followed by Coyote M consisting of 18 individuals (sparse forest) and Coyote A consisting of 13 (Desert).
        We observed loose territorial disputes between Coyote A (13) and B (9), K (8) and L (28), N (11) and O (10), and O (10) and P (5). A, L, N, and O had trouble with single rogue invaders; L in particular lost a juvenile to a rogue invading their den while adults were off hunting. L very notably invaded K's territory and ejected them from their land during a severe confrontation in which 2 of Coyote K's individuals were killed and several on both sides wounded.
        Coyote A and E were observed with semi-poor health resulting in semi-aggressive stature towards the offspring of others. L, M, and O were of good health and were notably more communal towards pack offspring.
        A notable lone male individual dubbed Wolf A was observed for several weeks living on his own and even rejecting friendly advances of other loners as well as the welcoming Coyote O pack. Additionally, Coyote A (13) and H (5) were observed with single leaders who rejected advances of subordinates, implying that it isn't too unusual for this social species to have successful asocial members.
       Packs were observed to carry out hunting strategies of such efficiency that they could separate and kill an adult groduf from a herd of 18. Their prey primarily seemed to be of juvenile groduf, adult lone retrodons, and adult lone desert somphs. Offspring in the Sparse Forest were observed hunting insects. Hive Dragons reacted negatively to the presence of a Coyote Dragon and would even chase them away. 

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[Scourge Files] Retrodon by Soulsplosion [Scourge Files] Ruin Dragon by Soulsplosion [Scourge Files] Groduf by Soulsplosion
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Aurora-the-Voidwyrm's avatar

Lots of "Ark Survival Evolved Dossiers" vibes here,awesome art!